How to quit smoking: steps to quit nicotine, useful tips.
19 August 2022
How long does a person who quits smoking continue to cough? What are the reasons for its appearance? Is it tiring to treat a cough when you quit smoking? Answers to the article.
21 August 2021
Is it possible to smoke while fasting and is it a sin? How to quit smoking addiction during Lent? Find out the answers after reading the article.
18 August 2021
When a decision is made to quit smoking, the consequences of the day for the body come to the fore. Healing begins immediately after rejection. The article will tell you about all the advantages of the solution.
7 July 2021
The impact of smoking on blood count during analysis and how a bad habit affects donation.
2 October 2020
How to quit smoking quickly and easily? Effective folk methods, methods of psychological influence, expert advice.
26 August 2020